Give it a necklace with a medal. So if your cat is lost and someone finds it, this person can reach you easily.

Many countries have introduced a mandatory electronic chip identification system. The latter is inserted at the level of the left jugular by a veterinarian. This chip contains a number that refers to the complete file of the animal and contains, among other things, the name and coordinates of its owner.

Secure your windows and balconies. To do this, you can have a net to prevent any risk of falling. Attention, the net must always be flexible otherwise the cat will not be able to climb or hang on it. Another possibility would be to build a secure shelter in your garden.

If you are extremely afraid of losing your companion, educate him into being an indoor cat and never let it go out. However, it is necessary to accustom your cat not to leave the house as of a young age.

Castrate or sterilize your pet. Your cat will feel less the need to expand his territory and will stay closer to your home.

In case of moving, do not let your cat go outside right away. It needs an adaptation period (between 1 and 3 months). During this period of time, keep it in your house. This allows him to safely discover new places and feel comfortable. As soon as this step is over, you can let your companion go outside again.

If you take your cat on vacation, keep it inside during your entire stay. If you want to go out with him, bring a harness and a leash.

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